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Why breast cancer is usually found near the arm pit?

The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of anti-perspirant.>>
What? A concentration of toxins and leads to cell mutations, a.k.a.>CANCER. Yes, ANTI-PERSPIRANT. Most of the products out there are an >anti-perspirant /deodorant combination, so go home and check.>Deodorant is fine, anti-perspirant is not.>>Here's why:- The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge >toxins; behind the knees , behind the ears, groin area, and armpits.>The toxins are purged in the form of perspiration.>>Anti-perspirant , as the name clearly indicates, prevents you from >perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from >below the armpits.>>These toxins do not just magically disappear. Instead, the body >deposits them in the lymph nodes below the arms since it cannot sweat >them out. Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside >quadrant of the breast area. This is precisely where the lymph nodes >are located.>>Additionally, men are less likely (but not completely exempt) to >develop breast cancer prompted by anti- perspirant usage because most >of the anti-perspirant product is caught in their hair and is not >directly applied to the skin. Women who apply anti-perspirant right >after shaving increase the risk further because shaving causes almost >imperceptible nicks in the skin which give the chemicals entrance into>the body from the armpit area.>>
PLEASE pass this along to anyone you care about.>

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